Belgium is a small European country to the north of France, the south of Holland, the east of Great-Britain and the west of Germany and Luxembourg.
The capital is 'Brussels'.
Most of the people speaks Dutch like in Holland, a minority speaks French and some others speaks German.
The dutch speaking are ' The Flemish'.
It is goog living in this country, we like good cuisine.
Napoleon was beaten in Waterloo.
The french speaking people don't like to hear Napoleon lost the battle there, because he is still there hero !
The Dutch speaking people are very prosperous and want their independance because the french don't appreciate them.
We expect the divorce will be come soon, maybe after the elections for the regions on juin 13th.
Some politicians are affraid. If independance will be a fact, the french speaking will not longer get millions of euros from the flemish. They will have to work for their money instead of doing nothing.